Visit this page for the most current information on class status and information. When time allows, cancellations and changes in class format or location will be posted here.
PLEASE NOTE: ALI classes are cancelled when the Chelsea District Schools are closed for inclement weather. See the CDS web site for school closing information. Circumstances will dictate whether cancelled classes are rescheduled.
ALI 2025 Winter/Spring Catalogue
Winter/Spring 2025 ADULT LEARNERS INSTITUTE Just what you need on cold, snowy, icky days...the ALI Winter/Spring catalog. It's got music, history, art, travel, cross dresses, oil in Michigan, poetry, the Supreme Court, Beatles and butterflies. Hey, we all need a...
ALI 2024 Fall Kickoff is Coming up!
Those familiar with the Adult Learners Institute know that an ALI Fall Kick Off does not require a football or a soccer ball or a helmet. The only thing required is curiosity and a means of getting to the McKune Room at the Chelsea District Library, 221 S. Main Street...
ALI Looks Ahead to Fall 2024
Our Winter/Spring term is over. But as we remember the hours we spent among ancient monuments, electric vehicles, music, wolves, Mexico, fly fishing, history and our own mental and physical health, ALI is preparing exciting new courses for the Fall. So look for the...
ALI at the CSC Expo
This year’s Expo at the Chelsea Senior Center on April 13 held several surprises. One was the weather. The day was downright pleasant. The second surprise was the presence of ex-Board member and perpetual friend, Mike Mark, who helped to preside over the ALI table...
ALI Welcomes New Office Manager
At its March 25 meeting, the ALI Board voted unanimously to hire Crystal Cabose as its new office Manager replacing Carolyn Smith. Crystal’s 17 years of work for Habitat for Humanity in various leadership and service positions on behalf of underserved populations has...
Wolves and War
Mustard gas, doughboys in rat-filled trenches, Verdun, Beaulieu Wood, Somme, attrition and “the war to end all wars” On Monday, March 4, Wendy Zielen will be using historical records and physical artifacts to illustrate the heroism and horrors of World War I, the...
Good News for ALI Students
We still have room to nourish curious minds in our Winter/Spring classes. Check out our new website at '' to print out the registration form, then fill it out and mail it along with your check to ALI, PO Box 134, Chelsea, MI 48118. Here are the classes...
Manchester Community Health Fair
Manchester’s first Community Health Fair was held in the Village Room on Saturday, January 27. Advertised as a one-stop shop for anyone looking to improve his/her health in 2024, visitors to the Fair could become acquainted with services offered by local vendors,...
ALI Travel Alternatives for February
While your neighbors are enjoying piňa coladas and getting suntans, ALI will give you a colorful tour of all fifty states, via Don Chalfant’s Have Camera, Will Travel class on Friday, February 21. You won’t need your long johns because it’s a Zoom class. Then, if you...
Winter/Spring 2024 Catalog and Registration
The Winter/Spring Catalog is in the mail. Registration will begin in February. There is an exciting list of classes. Visit the Current Classes page.